Ру O`z En

General information 


Name of the company:

Joint-Stock Company «Farg’onaazot»


Postal and legal address of the company:

150108, Sanoat street 222, Fergana city, Fergana region, Republic of Uzbekistan.


Subordination of enterprise, higher authority:

Joint-Stock Company «O’zkimyosanoat»


Main activity:

Production of mineral fertilizers, defoliants and cellulose acetate (for acetate fibers and acetate yarn).


Structure of assets for 01.01.2022:

- Government shares – 49,15%,
- JSC«O’zkimyosanoat» - 49,87%,
- Others – 0,98%.


Bank details::

Account number 20210000200228989001, Kirguli branch of UzpsbBank, code 00524, identification number 200202240.


Phone and fax of administration of the company:

phone. 242-59-95, фfax 241-04-02
Web site: www.azot.uz


Location, availability and accessibility of production and

transport infrastructure, labor force 


JSC “Farg'onaazot” is located in the industrial hub of Kyrguli region and is positioned on three sites.

Industrial site № 1 and 3 are located on the left bank of river Isfayramsay, which is situated approximately 50-100 m. away from the western side of Kirguli railway station.

Industrial site № 2 is located on the right bank of river Isfayramsay, on the southern part of oil-lubrication workplace (FNPZ).

The protective zone of the sources of emissions of JSC “Farg'onaazot” to the residential area is 1000 meters.

The company JSC “Farg'onaazot” removed from residential areas to a distance more than 2 km. away.

Medical services for employeesare provided in the existing health care facilities,which arelocated in the building of gas safety station.

Public catering for workers is provided in the existing canteens, as well as in domestic rooms, that are provided for food.

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